Sunday, January 16, 2011

800 Fans! Glam Mini-Session Give-A-Way!!!!

I have some amazing clients and fans! Thank-you all so much for your support, business, and word of mouth referrals!
I now have 800 'Likes' on my Facebook Page....that means it's time for a Mini-Session Give-A-Way!!!! Yippee!

Since Valentine's Day is just around the corner (and because I LOVE doing these Sessions) this Give-A-Way is going to be for a Glam/Boudoir/or Pinup Mini-Session! All you have to do is reply below to enter! Tomorrow afternoon I will do a random drawing to choose a winner! That's it! It's as simple as that.
*Winner will have 4 days to schedule your free session or it will be voided and another winner will be chosen.

HEADS UP: Don't stop sharing my Facebook Page with all of your local friends and family! When I reach 1000 Fans I am going to do a HUGE Give-A-Way and have lots of specials that will offer amazing savings, so even if you don't win this one....your chances will be pretty awesome of winning something when I reach 1000! So, head on over to my Facebook Page right now and click on the 'Share' Button or the 'Suggest To Friends' link!!!!