UPDATE 3-31-2011:
We have hit 1000 Fans! A HUGE Congrats to Sandy Shelby WINNER of the Countdown to 1000 Contest for referring the most people to my page! You have won a FREE Session Fee worth $85 Dollars!
You all are SO amazing. I am continuously humbled by your support, help, and referrals! Thank-you all so much for everything!
We now have 900 'Likes' over on the Fan Page! I told you that I had a Countdown to 1000 Contest planned...so here are the details!
*The person that refers the most new Fans will receive a FREE Session.
*Both the 1000th Fan AND the person that referred them will receive first dibs for one of the amazing give-a-ways/offers I have planned for the 1000 Fans Appreciation Event (details about this will be announced when we actually hit 1000 Fans)!
Here's what you need to do:
*If you are not already a Fan of my Facebook Page you will need to become one!
Click on the Facebook Badge to the right of this post to go to my Facebook Fan Page.
Share this blog post on your profile. Tell your local Northeastern FL and Southeastern GA friends and family to become a Fan of my Photography Page on Facebook. Once they become a Fan they will need to post on my Fan Page that they are a new fan AND make sure they know to include your name in the post! Example: I'm a new fan! Jane Doe referred me!
*After you have shared this on your Profile, be sure to reply here on the blog that you have done so. You MUST reply to this blog to be considered as a winner!*
That's it!
Thank-you again for all of your support...and GOOD LUCK!
Monday, February 28, 2011
900 Fans = Countdown to 1000 Contest!
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
900 Fans,
Countdown to 1000 Contest